“Derek is an extremely talented content creator and storyteller,” said Brita Turbyfill, co-owner of Gray Loon.“We’re excited that Derek has joined our team as he shares his passion for the outdoors with our creative team and clients. His creative vision is unique and authentic.”
Helms, an avid outdoorsman, brings years of content creation and storytelling experience to Gray Loon, for companies such as Wild Rose Kennels, Military Mobility, Lifetime Decoys, and Stuart Ranch Outfitters.
"I couldn't be more proud to join a powerhouse team like Gray Loon,” said Helms. “With the client base and marketing services Gray Loon offers, I look forward to sharing my passion and talents with like-minded, hard-charging professionals."
Gray Loon Marketing Group is a full-service marketing communications agency founded in Evansville, Ind., in 1994. Gray Loon specializes in both digital and traditional media services, offering a diverse portfolio of clients with cutting-edge design, development and strategy, print creative and branding, social media and advertising, community management, content creation, media relations, influencer programs and more.
To learn more about Gray Loon’s team and marketing services, visit www.grayloon.com.