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Wyoming Game and Fish Dept. is Hiring

Wyoming Game and Fish Dept. is Hiring

Cheyenne - The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is offering its game warden exam online for individuals interested in applying to be a game warden in Wyoming. The deadline to apply for the exam is Dec. 2, 2019.

To qualify for the exam, applicants must have earned a bachelor’s degree, or receive their degree by April 1, 2020, in wildlife management, range management, biology, zoology, ichthyology or other closely related field.

Applicants who pass the exam and other minimum qualifications may be offered an online interview. Selected candidates from the online interview may move forward to an in-person interview in Cheyenne in January where they also will be required to complete a psychological assessment, polygraph and job suitability profile.

For more information on the exam or if you have questions, contact Wildlife Division Administration at (307) 777-4585 or e-mail or

(Sara DiRienzo (307-777-4540))